Monday, June 6, 2011

Insurance Discounts for military personal

Insurance companies offer people the peace of mind of being able to cover accidental expenses that show up in life. Insurance is the process by which a group of people pay premiums to cover future expenses caused by natural disasters or unexpected losses. Insurance coverage can be found in just about every area of life. Areas in health, home and auto, business, flood, and even pets have insurance available to cover them. Insurance companies compete for business by having the lower premiums for any given insurance policy. To help lure people to buy their policies they offer various discounts for people to enjoy. Discounts can come in the form of having multiple policies with the same carrier, being a good driver, being over a certain age, carrying a higher deductible, and even living in a certain kind of home. One discount that not many people know about is the military personnel discount.

The military discount is given to any person who has served in the armed forces. People who are active, retired, serve in the guard, or are on the reserved list are eligible for this discount. Companies like Unitrin Specialty insurance company gives a discount off the entire premium. In order to obtain the discount the buyer needs to ask what needs to be provided in order to take advantage of the discount. The insurance carrier may ask for proof that the buyer was or is in the service. The individual carriers will specify what qualifies for proof of service before the discount can be given.

Another benefit for military personnel is what is called Emergency Deployment Coverage Discount. One carrier that offers this type of discount gives it to personnel that are called into an area that puts them into imminent danger pay areas. These areas of danger are declared by Congress or the Department of Defense. This type of discount will have to be proved by providing order papers and the vehicle has to be stored in an approved storage protection plan described by the insurance carrier.

Insurance discounts for Veterans are available for those who ask. Sometimes the carrier will not mention the discount because it does not apply to everyone who comes in the door.

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